Breast Reduction
Heavy sagging breasts, although perfectly natural, can be a problem: bra strap grooving, back pain, and skin irritation in hot weather can all be uncomfortable Besides the physical aspects, large breasts may create a matronly appearance, even in younger women. Breast reduction is a reasonable solution, however there are several important considerations:
- If you are planning to breast feed it would be advisable to wait until after your last child, as normal lactation may be diminished or completely interrupted.
- The procedure inevitably results in scars which in most patients fade satisfactorily. However, it is unrealistic to assume there will be no sign of the surgical procedure. Most patients make their choice based on appearance in clothes and comfort.


This young woman had medium sized sagging breasts that interfered with her active life style. Discomfort aside, she felt that the fullness was unattractive in a two-piece bathing suit. A basic reduction was performed and in this case scarring was minimal.


With this patient, it is clear that breast size is uncomfortable. In some instances insurance coverage may apply if the volume of tissue removed meets the criteria set by the insurance carrier. In this case, scarring is visible but acceptable as a trade off for comfort and appearance.
Our office policy is to preserve patient confidentiality. During your consultation, you may view pre-operative and post-operative photographs of patients who have kindly given us permission to show their pictures.